Autumn Cat | canvas, oil
Autumn Cat | canvas, oil Anatoli Gostev

Autumn Cat

  • Size: 55 x 60 cm
  • Painting technique: oil on canvas
  • Creation Date: 2020

Theme of the Painting.

The painting "Autumn Cat" is lyrical. The poetic mood of late autumn, like the melody of Joseph Kosma's "Autumn Leaves". Leisureliness, the last bright colors, and a cat already hiding in anticipation of the cold. The pensive woman tidying up leaves around an unfinished statue.


The idea for the plot emerged in 2001, and this is another version of the painting that was sold in Germany. Only the bird and the woman remain in their place.

Working on the Painting.

An experiment in assimilating the experience of cubism and narrowing the color palette.

video - Autumn Cat

Buy the painting "Autumn Cat"

Detailed images, the painting's participation in exhibitions, and purchase conditions for the painting "Autumn Cat" can be found at the Gostevs Fine Art

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